Romantic Ideas

Write a note saying 'I thought of you today, and it made me smile'

Leave the note somewhere your partner is sure to find it

Organize a mystery trip for your and your partner. Some travel agents will organize mystery packages where the destination of the trip is kept secret until you are actually on the plane or arrive at the destination.

When your partner is having a shower or bath, take his/her towel and place it in the dryer to make it really warm. 

Romantic Ideas

On a special occasion, buy your partner real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says: 'I will love you until the last rose fades'

Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she/he has yet to read to spell out a love letter.

If your partner has to work late, take a lunch box and fill it with some of her/his favorite things such as chocolates, herbal tea, cookies, a small teddy bear.

Next, get a piece of paper and write: 'Late Night Survival Pack'

When your partner has had a really long hard day, run a hot bath for hem/her. Pour some fragrant oil.

Go for walk on the beach. Trace out the shape of a large love heart in the sand.

Contact your partner's family and ask if there was anything he/she always wanted when he/she was a little boy/girl.

Organize a professional photo shoot to obtain a portrait of the two of you as a couple. Frame the picture and put it somewhere prominent.

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Control Your Life

Accept the things you can not change. Learn to deal with difficult people in your personal life who drain your energy. If you can not change the person, change yourself. Learn to deal with difficult situations. If you can not change them, change your approach to them.

Ref: Christine Corelli

Control Your Life

Eliminate spending time with people who do not add real value to your life. Sometime we spend our valuable time and energy with people whose interests have grown apart from ours. Spend time with people who give you energy and ideas. Eliminate relationship with negative people - they are toxic to you. Seek to develop and build relationships with positive people who reinforce you.

Ref: Christine Corelli


* Make it a personal commitment to yourself that you will do the right things that will help improve your personal productivity.

* Develop good  habits that will help you manage your time and reduce stress.

* Write things down the moment thought interrupts your mind or become aware of a 'to do'. 

* Master the art of staying focused. When working on projects/tasks that require concentration, block out other thoughts. Some people have this ability naturally, but some have to work at it.

* Avoid unnecessary worry over all you have to do. 

* Develop 'emotional toughness'. Successful people think in black and white, do not allow their emotions to come into plat when living and working in today's tough business world.

* Make those tough decisions on your own time. Many executives say they make their best decisions when they are on the golf course. Why ? Their mind is relaxed, but their subconscious mind is working on the problem. Often the best decision are made by taking a long walk, a bike ride, anything that will help put the problem aside to let your subconscious mind work on it.   

* Love what you do. If you do not have a position or a job that you love, learn to love it. It may not be easy, but if you can learn to love what you do, you will be more creative, more productive and make things better for everyone around you. 

* Return or make urgent calls in the morning, and those less important in the afternoon or at the end of the day.

* Skim your E-mail in the morning and respond only to critical communication. Delete as you read it. Check it only three times a day. Resist the temptation to keep checking it every ten minutes. 

* Prioritize: Just ask yourself this question 'what's the most critical task or highest value activity, I need to tackle right now ?' 

* Beak big tasks into small tasks and do them increments. 

* If you think you work best under pressure, and need to have 'adrenaline rush' to motivate you, set an earlier deadline and discipline yourself to meet it. Write deadline on your calender. 

* Reward yourself when you complete a task that is difficult or that you do not like doing.

* Maximize your peak productivity time. Go to bed early and get up early to accomplish tasks more efficiently. 

* Practice effective listening and communication skills. Misunderstandings can waste a lot of time. Make sure people have facts, details and clear information. 

Reference: Christine Corelli