For a Successful Relationship

* Communication:
It's very important to be able to talk with your partner and express yourself . Try to understand him/her. If something bothers you, say it using kind words in-order not to poison your relationship.

* Honesty:
builds trust. Even white lies should be avoided when dealing with your partner. This will save time and energy for both of you plus will keep troubles away.

* Respect:
Mutal respect keeps love alive. The difference between your characteries (as long as it is acceptable) should be respected.

* Dependability:
Make sure that your partner is someone you can depend on in tough times.

* Love:
Differentiate between love and attraction: Love stays long life but attraction fades by time.

* Simple actions:
Simple actions can be the most important in a relationship. So do not underestimate the effect of the daily call from work.

* Listener:
Be a good listener and encourage him/her to listen to you too by showing appreciation when he/she does.

* Appreciation:
Make him/her appreciate you, but do not wait for compliments. Say good true things about yourself.

* Sense of Humor:
It will be a cure of your stress plus will decrease conflicts when arise.

* Shared values:
Big difference in values equals short relationship.

* Argue well:
Never to say anything that you would not want to hear said to you.

* Forgive:
Let the good things done by him/her push you to forgive when a bad thing comes along your relationship road.