Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential coenzyme for collagen formation, tissue repair and synthesis of lipids and proteins. It acts both as reducing agent and as an antioxident. It is necessary for many physiological functions such as metabolism of iron, carbohydrates, tyrosine and folic acid as well as resistance to infection, cellular respiration and preservation of blood vessels integrity.

Signs of Folic Acid deficiency include:

malaise, irritability, hyperkeratosis of hair follicles and bleeding from the nose.


Persons with diabetes, those on Sodium restricted diet or anti-coagulatent therapy should not take excessive doses of vitamin C.

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Tips to look Younger

Eat organic whenever possible

Moisturize your face, neck and hands every day

Drink a ton of water

Get your vitamin C

Whiten your teeth

Reduce stress

Get plenty of sleep 

Wear light colors 

Improve your posture

Have a smile :) 

Better Family Communication

Listen more than you speak:

It is easy for parents to take on the role of the lecturer in family communication settings. This can make your kids feel talked at rather than communicated with. Communication is a two way street. It is important that every member of the family has her say. Practice looking at the speaker in the eye, nodding and asking questions at appropriate times to convey your interest in the conversation. Practice paraphrasing what you heard and repeating it back to the speaker to enhance the clarity and overall understanding of the message. Avoid interrupting the speaker.

Ask open ended questions: 

Yes or no questions often shut down family communication before it has a chance to being. For example, when you ask your child 'Did you have a good day at school', a quick 'yes' or 'no' can end the exchange. If you instead say: 'Tell me about your day', you open the topic up for full discussions. Do  not accept one word answers, like 'fine' and 'ok'

Value honesty and respect:

Sometimes your kids will say things that you do not want to hear. Likewise, they'll often disagree with the things you say, This is normal and does not have to equal conflict. Practice speaking in a calm voice, using relaxed body language and being receptive to what you hear. Yelling. name calling, accusations and communications that always focus on problems and punishments are not respectful and do not solve family problems. Always be honest with your children about how you feel and what is happening in the family expect their honesty as well. It is easier for family members to be honest when they feel their opinions and feelings are respectful and will net with kindness and consideration.

Talk about feelings:

Use the ways you communicate with your children as a chance to help them understand and express their feelings. Use phrases like 'When you .... I feel ...... because....'. Instead of saying 'You will always make us late' say 'when you do not get up on time, I feel stressed and anxious because we have to rush our morning routine'. This gets all the family members expressing how they feel in honest and direct ways and creates an environment where everyone is safe to express feelings. Use 'I' statements whenever possible, rather than 'you' statements to help find solutions, rather than place blame.


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How to lose Belly Fat ?

Limit fat intake:

Some fats are good for you (in low to moderate amounts) such as those found in olive oil, avocados and walnuts. You will want to avoid food high in saturated fats. Non-saturated fats are those that are better for your body. They will keep your heart healthy and avoid trips to the cardiologist. Once your arteries are clogged, you 've got a major problem.

Limit sugar intake

Sugar, it makes everything so good, but it has several drawbacks. It ages your body at the cellular level.


Eating almonds can be good. You can eat 5-6 almonds everyday as these are good for burning fat.

Eat more fiber:

Eating more of fiber is another good way to reducing tummy fat. Fiber is very good for digestion and it can prevent us from overeating as it quickly fills our stomach. Fruits and vegetables (specially green leafy ones) are very good sources of fiber.

Healthy eating habits:

Just remember that healthy weight loss is not just a one time thing. You have to make permanent eating changes in your life. Staying away from unhealthy foods becomes specially important if you want a flat stomach. Eating junk food, oily food, too much sugar and over fried foods all should be avoided. 

Active lifestyle:

Beside healthy eating, you also need to have an active lifestyle for staying fit and slim. All your other weight loss efforts may go waste if you do not get physically active. Physically active does mean spending hours at the gym in difficult exercises. If means that you need to keep moving and do physical activity for sufficient amount of time everyday and at regular intervals. 

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Men Emotional Challenge

The Tremendous emotional challenge men are facing today

The way men have been taught to be
The Way women ask men to be
Defensive and Suspicious
Trusting and open
Hide their emotions
Show their emotions
Appear strong and unconquerable
Express their vulnerability
Master the outer world
Master the inner world
Feel their need for women
Stay in control
Let go of control

Reference:  Barbara De Angelis 'Secrets about Men Every Woman Should Know'

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A Point In Your Life

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Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will.
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Beauty Secrets

No more refined foods - One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off importantnutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside from that, they can also get you constipated.  

First thing to do in the morning - It is best that when you wake up in the morning, you drink a glass of water, and eat a piece of your favorite fruit, like banana. This would ensure that your skin is properly hydrated, and the fruit would also help in maintaining its radiance. In addition, such a practice can also help you maintain your weight, or lose some.  

Use cream as your skin cleanser - Cleaning your skin on a regular manner is essential in maintaining its beauty. However, it is best to make use of cream cleanser to do this, since it won’t take away the natural oil from your skin, which protects it. Don’t use anything that can dry out your skin, since it can become prone to bacteria and cellular damage.

Get enough sleep - Getting enough rest is one of the most important things to do, when it comes to maintaining your beauty. You need to have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night; and, it is best that you are already asleep by 10 in the evening, so as to maximize the benefits from your beauty sleep.

Drink enough amounts of water - To maintain your beauty, you need to have a skin that has good moisture. To achieve that, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Aside from flushing out harmful toxins from your body, it can also get rid of excess heat. In addition, enough amounts of water can also help you maintain your weight, and prevent constipation.

Drink milk each day - Drinking milk is one of the best things that you can do in order to maintain your beauty. When you drink milk each day, you would be providing your body with the essential nutrients to strengthen your hair and bones. Aside from that, it can also make your skin look younger, enhance your health and the looks of your eyes.  

Refrigerate toners and floral waters during summer time - Toners and floral water can help you freshen up, especially during the warmer months. Thus, it is best that you keep them inside the refrigerator during the summer months, so that you can use them cold. To feel refreshed, you can always spray your face with it.  

Replace candies and chocolates with fresh fruits - One of the many weaknesses of some people is to crave for sweets, which can affect their beauty. Thus, instead of eating candies, and other food items that are filled with sugar, you should eat fresh fruits. Foods that have high sugar content can enlarge your pores, aside from the fact that it can make you gain weight.

Keep your makeup simple and light each day - It is always best to show people your natural beauty. You can achieve this by keeping your makeup as simple and light each day. When you do that, you would also prevent skin damage, which is one of the effects of using heavy makeup on a regular basis.

Using lip balm - Keep in mind that maintaining the condition of your lips can also enhance your beauty. To do that, it is always best to carry a lip balm wherever you may go. Lip balm can prevent your lips from drying out. Because of that, it is one of the best ways to prevent or cure lip chapping. With the right kind of lip balm, it can also soften your lips. 

Be gentle with your skin near your eyes - The skin under your eyes is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Thus, it is best that you are gentle with it. You should not pull or stretch it, since it would definitely show, and affect your looks. With regular pulling and stretching in that part of your face, it can look wrinkled or saggy in no time.

Be conscious of your weight - One of the many things that can affect your beauty is your weight. Thus, it is best that you keep a close watch to it. Whether you gain or lose too much of it, you would start to have problems in properly fitting your clothes. Thus, it is best to maintain your weight at an ideal level, so that you would look fit and healthy all the time.



Vitamins are substances that are essential for normal metabolism but are supplied chiefly in the diet. Humans can not synthesis vitamins in the body except some vitamin D in the skin and nicotinamide from typtophan.

Lack of a particular vitamin may lead to a specific deficiency syndrome. This may be primary (inadequate diet) or secondary due to failure of absorption (intestinal abnormality or chronic diarrhea) or to increased metabolic need (growth, pregnancy, lactation, hyperthyroidism).

There has recently been great interest in the suggestions that subclinical deficiencies may be a cause of chronic disease and liability to infection. The idea prompted a number of clinical trails that examined the potential benefit of vitamin supplementation in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease and other common diseases.

Fortunately, most of the vitamins are compartively non-toxic, but prolonged administration of vitamins A and D can have serious ill effects.

Vitamins fall into two groups:

Water soluble vitamins: the B group and viatmin C

Fat soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K

Reference: 'Clinical Pharmacology' by Bennett, P. & Brown, M.

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What women want ...

A Plain looking husband

A Normal simple ring

A small wedding party

A honeymoon at a quiet place

A small house for the kids to run around

A couple of lovely children

With a husband who is a family man

but one who works hard ... and earns well

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A few personal collections

and a few shoes for each occasion

 Some decent outfits

A makeup kit or two  

Just one overseas trip every year 

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